I thought I’d dedicate the very first post at the Curious Path to introduce myself and layout the goals for this site. If things go well, there will be many more posts that follow this one. Fingers crossed!

cu·ri·ous – eager to learn something

path – a course of action or conduct

This site is really a collection of things that I have learned over the years or am still in the process of learning. I have found great value in ideas and information posted by others online as I have undertaken projects or adventures, many of which were foreign to me when I began. The Internet is full of content, some of which is valuable  and some of which is complete nonsense. Hopefully, the content contained here will prove valuable for others as they embark down curious paths of their own.

Who am I?

My name is Jonathan and I am an engineer, a do-it-yourself-er and basically a Jack of all trades; master of none. I enjoy using technology to tackle projects in different ways. I also enjoy traveling, music, wine, programming, cars and spending time at home with my wonderful wife. I will do my very best to detail projects and adventures as they arise in hopes that the information provided will help others.

What’s going on here?

I’m going to try to keep most of the posts fairly short and straight to the point. Don’t expect long winded articles or highly detailed information. Rather, I hope to present ideas that could be further researched should the reader and the topic interesting. I find myself reading articles or reviews of products and only focusing on the introduction and conclusion while glossing over much of the content containing the meat of the topic, so it is my intent to follow the KISS (keep it simple, stupid) principal when writing. Of course, no post would be complete without a series of pictures for those that hate reading even more than me. I’ll keep my Samsung Note phone or Sony A7ii camera around to provide a little bit of added eye candy.

Drop me a message

Feel free to leave comments on posts or email me at contact me directly.

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